Hello and welcome. You have completed the sign up for the Grounding For Health e-letter at GroundingForHealth.com.
We are happy you decided to join us and look forward to building a relationship with you.
It is our intention at Grounding For Health to provide you with quality information regarding earthing and earthing products.
We will also notify you about special deals on grounding sheets and other earthing products when they are available.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact us through the contact form on this website.
We will only send you quality information and absolutely no spam. If you want to discontinue your subscription to Grounding For Health at anytime you will find a link to do so in the emails we send you.
Have you already listened to the audio of the book Earthing by Clint Ober. If you haven’t, you can still do it, as long as it’s available. Clint and the staff at Earthing.com, have made it available to you for now. Follow this link to listen to the audio of Earthing free.
Update: The audio of Earthing I had linked to above is no longer available.
Thanks for subscribing to Grounding For Health. Wishing you success in life and in health.
Stay grounded!
Sye Rodriguez